#!/usr/bin/python import os from random import randint def check_guess(target_number, guessed_number): 'Function to check whether a guessed number matches the the target number' odd_numbers = [number for number in range(1,99,2)] even_numbers = [number for number in range(2,100,2)] if guessed_number == target_number: return True elif guessed_number > target_number: difference = guessed_number - target_number if difference > 20: how_wrong = "WAY too High" else: how_wrong= "Too high!" print(how_wrong) if target_number in odd_numbers: print("Clue: It is an odd number") return False else: print("Too low") if target_number in even_numbers: print("Clue: It is an even number") return False def show_game_menu(score): 'Function to show the user options to quit or start a new game' if os.name == 'posix': os.system("clear") else: os.system("cls") print("---------------------------------") print("Welcome to Guessy Numz!") print("---------------------------------") chosen_option = input("Quit (q), New Game (n), Show Score (s)") if chosen_option == 'q': close_game(score) elif chosen_option == 'n': new_game(score) elif chosen_option == 's': print("Your score currently is ", score) input("Press the [Enter] key to continue...") show_game_menu(score) else: print("Else??") def new_game(score): 'Main function for gameplay' round_active = True num_of_guesses = 0 print("Guess the number between 1 and 100") while round_active == True: guessed_number = int(input("Your Guess: ")) if check_guess(target_number, guessed_number): score = score + 1 num_of_guesses += 1 print("Correct! You used ",num_of_guesses," guesses.") print("Your score is now ", score) input("Press the [Enter] key to continue...") show_game_menu(score) else: num_of_guesses+=1 round_active = True def close_game(score): print("Thanks for playing Guessy Numz. Your final score was ", score, ". Bye!") exit(0) score = 0 target_number = randint(0,100) game_active = True while game_active == True: show_game_menu(score)